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For people who are wondering whether a New Orleans car accident attorney is right for them, there are many different resources out there. Those who have been hurt can likely benefit from the services of a skilled lawyer. With that in mind, here are 10 reasons to get on the phone to a New Orleans car accident attorney.

1. They offer free consultations

Many attorneys offer a free consultation to get your started. By meeting with a New Orleans car accident attorney you can receive a professional perspective for your case while getting to know a lawyer before committing to hiring anyone.

2. Have someone deal with insurance companies on your behalf

People want to believe that an insurance company will look out for their best interest, but that’s not always the case. Insurance companies are businesses, which means their main objective is to turn a profit. A lawyer can protect victims from being exploited and ensure that their claims are respected.

3. They don’t get paid until you get paid

Hiring an attorney can be a low-risk, high-reward proposition for clients. As most New Orleans car accident attorneys work on a contingency basis, the client doesn’t have to pay any money unless the lawyer wins the case.

4. Make sure all the evidence is gathered and used correctly

For people who’ve been hurt in an accident, it can be almost impossible to invest proper energy into gathering evidence. Preserving evidence can be the difference in a case, so it makes sense to use a New Orleans car accident attorney for help in this regard.

5. Have someone that will explain the law as it applies to your case

Some might think that they understand the law, but they are complex, vary from state to state, and are subject to change with each legislative session. A good New Orleans car accident attorney can ensure that clients have a full and comprehensive understand of the legal doctrines that will have an impact a case’s success.

6. Time is of the essence

Due to the statute of limitations, car accident victims usually have between one and two years to file a claim before they lose the right to bring a lawsuit. Lawyers protect their clients by ensuring that all claims are submitted in a timely manner, relieving them of some of the stress involved with any case.

7. Calculating all possible damages

A good attorney will make sure you know what you are entitled to as the victim of an accident. Most people know that they can sue for lost wages or medical bills, but you might also be able to sue for pain and suffering or the loss of future earning potential. If you are injured severely enough, you may no longer be able to retain your previous career. Having a lawyer can help protect your future.

8. Evaluating settlement options

A lawyer will have an idea of how much a case is worth before a client accepts a settlement. This will protect the client from unfair treatment and will help them receive the best settlement possible.

9. Complex procedural rules

There are many confusing rules that need to be followed for your claim to be viable, and the laws are different in every state. A lawyer can ensure that your claim is filed in the correct place, on time and in the right form, to help your lawsuit reach state or federal court.

10. They will make sure your claim is filed right the first time so it is the only time

It’s important to know that you may not be able to try again if something goes wrong. If your lawsuit is not filed correctly, you could find yourself barred by the court or by the statute of limitations from bringing the case again. Having a lawyer can ensure that your case is handled right the first time.

Contact the experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyers at The Lambert Firm today to schedule a FREE consultation and get help obtaining compensation for your car accident injuries.